little white smoke???
little white smoke???
i was driving home from doing a little mowing sitting at a light and i saw some white smoke in my mirror. So i look and i have it coming out my rear fender. Well when i get home, which was only a couple minutes away i leave the car running and try to look i cant see where exactly its coming from. It doesnt seem to be the brakes, which were replaced in january and it wasnt the rear end. it didnt smell like gas, oil, or coolant burning and its not exhaust. So i was wondering if anyone has had this problem before and what it could be. By the way its only out the driver side.
next would be the wheel bearings or brakes. if u are still driving it, wait till u drive for a bit then feel the brakes to see if they are hot. same with the area were the wheel bearing is. if either of these get to hot they will throw smoke and stink. if u dont want to drive it look the both of em over for heat damage or signs of over heating. oil burned off clean look or a blue color to the brake rotor or drum.
To see if the brakes are locking up, you can jack up that side and see whether or not the tire twirls easily.
And about where was the smoke coming out, fenderwell area around the tire, behind the wheel, near the back of the car?
Are all your lights (tail, side marker) working? You might want to check for an electrical short while you're at it. Melting wires smoke too, you know. They can also leave your car extra-crispy!
And about where was the smoke coming out, fenderwell area around the tire, behind the wheel, near the back of the car?
Are all your lights (tail, side marker) working? You might want to check for an electrical short while you're at it. Melting wires smoke too, you know. They can also leave your car extra-crispy!